The Bible in a Year
St. Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 8601 invites our members to join in reading the entire Bible listening to the podcast “The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz”.
The Bible is a wonderful book. It is the inspired word of God- but it is not a normal book where the plot is easy to follow throughout. It’s long - over 1500 pages and is written over a couple thousand years by 40 or so authors. If you read starting from page 1 through the end, it is difficult to understand because it jumps back and forth through time. We Catholics are known for not reading the Bible as much as we should and not knowing what’s in it except for the readings we hear at Mass.
There is a helpful solution. Ascension Press podcast of “The Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmitz”.
By listening to this podcast, we can:
● Read the entire Bible in as little as 365 days
● Understand the story of Salvation
● Experience the transformative power of God’s Word in your life
Each of the daily episodes are about 20-25 minutes long, making it easy to listen on your own, with your family, or with a small group.
This a great opportunity to finally understand how all the pieces of the Bible fit together to tell an amazing story that continues in your life today! New Year’s is a great time for resolutions and new beginnings. Committing to the “The Bible in a Year” is a good one. You get a daily glimpse into the mind of God.
Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t listen every day. Just get back into it when you can. Try to make it a habit. Listen at home, while driving in a car or while walking. Listen to it with your family. Just find the time. You’ll find God telling you something that you need to hear and need to be reminded of constantly. He loves you.
You can hear “The Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmitz” on YouTube, Apple podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Google podcast, Hallow or on the Ascension Press website itself with this link:
The “Bible in a Year” can also be heard on EWTN radio. It can be found locally on WPYR radio 1380 AM or WPYR radio 105.9 FM and is broadcast Monday through Friday at 9:00PM.